Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keep Your Dog Healthy With Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Lets face it, do we really know what goes into the food that we feed to our dogs.Personally, I had no idea until I started doing a little research on exactly what goes into the making of dog food.After reading certain articles written by doctors, I was shocked to find out that most dog foods were all made with a variety of unhealthy chemicals. At this point it is clearly not a secret, but it again still needs to be pointed out to those people who are great animal lovers,with dogs being in particular. Having read this, I decided to go about doing a small amount of research on how I could go about making my own healthy homemade dog food, just to experiment and change my dogs diet. This is when I came across a website after a great deal of searching which was created by a doctor himself who was marketing his own dog food recipe book for dog owners.The guide contains some 250+ home made dog food recipes which exclude the usage of harmful products which are infamous for mineral deficiencies. The guide does not only contain wholesale healthy dog foods recipes but also other aspects of keeping your dog healthy such as:

1. Healthy dog food recipes for both younger and older dogs
2. Natural recipe to keep fleas away
3. Gourmet Biscuit recipes
4. Dozens of recipes for delicious, economical, healthful dog food
5. Various other treats