Browser's search engine wars, Expert coder cracks Website positioning Simple methods to get ranking on the internet using as little effort as is possible Its it worth the last 6 years of my life to be able to sit here in front of my computer and make money as i please, that's my question to myself everyday you see i have been selling other peoples products online for over 7 years and
im here today to share my most successful discovery's since i have started my way to give back a bit of love to the world for the great lifestyle i have had so i hope you enjoy So what is internet marketing and do people actually make money from it, the simple answer to the second question is yes in fact just this week their is a guy i know who is going to secure himself a residual income of over $100,000 per month and ill show you his website if your interested so you can learn from him and see the amazing methods he uses to create that money, personally my best month so far is $27,000 USD and i had almost 2 years of over $20,000 a month while i lived in Thailand and travelled the islands in a big flash boat . But i lost the lot well i lost about $20,000 per month and it all happened a few years ago believe it or not on my birthday Feb 13th 2009, lucky that i had understood it could happen one day and i invested most of my money into learning technics others were using to make money online as well, one thing was clear i wasn't the only person who had made big and lost big, in fact google seems to make and break people almost daily. They do what is commonly referred to as a google dance once every 2 or 3 months and this wipes out 10000's of websites from their weak positions on the search engines due to a number of reasons we can go into later if you want, but you see more and more i was noticing people just like me people who had lost $20-30,000 dollars per month in business overnight , then i thought there must ofcourse be a flip side to this and because i know first hand its possible to wake up one morning making $1000 - $2000 in your sleep i started to hunt these new winners down. Because you see for yourself there is always someone at the top its just a matter of who will be in position for when the search engine dance starts again in 3 or 4 months

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